Family Business

More than 85% of all private sector companies in the UK are family businesses, employing almost 14m people. Together these family businesses contribute nearly £600bn to UK GDP and provide over £200bn in tax receipts to the Exchequer.

Globally, 90% of enterprises are family businesses and while many are small operations, several of the world’s largest and most influential companies, including Walmart, Ford, Exor, Schwarz Group and Reliance Industries, fall under this category. Beyond their significant contribution to global commerce, many family businesses stand out for their commitment to local economies, upholding clear and distinct values, and have an ability to navigate the delicate balance between long-term vision and short-term returns.

At the same time, the unique structure of family businesses presents inherent challenges. Striking a balance between familial bonds and strategic business decisions can be a fragile task, particularly during generational transitions, significant investments, and leadership changes. These challenges, if not effectively addressed, can severely impact the business’s legacy and performance.

At Redgrave, we recognise these dynamics and provide comprehensive guidance to family businesses navigating these intricate issues. Our approach to partnering with family businesses offers bespoke support to families, owners, executives, board members and advisors, empowering them to navigate the complexities of talent, leadership, succession, and governance across generations. Our deep understanding and appreciation of the unique needs and nuances of family-owned businesses ensures that every decision aligns seamlessly with both the ethos of each family and the needs of their business.

What Sets Us Apart?

Leveraging our deep understanding of global family businesses, we help them identify and attract exceptional talent. We go beyond traditional approaches to uncover hidden gems – high-potential individuals who may not have considered this unique environment but possess the ideal skills and mindset to thrive within it.

We prioritise delivering excellent experiences and outcomes for every client, regardless of size. Our insights and professional judgment provide comfort during the hiring process and create a smooth onboarding experience.

"The partnership with Redgrave was the perfect fit. Their commitment to truly understanding who we are as a business and what we stand for ensured they found someone who not only met our strategic needs for international growth but also seamlessly integrated into our culture."
Jago Pearson, Finnebrogue

We have extensive experience placing Chairs, NEDs, C-suite, and general management executives across family businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to global organisations.

We support family businesses in times of immediate need for talent, whether to lead or support change or transformation programs, provide short-term strategic support, or to cover for absences.

Our chartered psychologists employs a proprietary leadership model to assess executives, support leadership development for existing employees, assess management teams pre or post-acquisition, support a smooth onboarding process and add further reassurance ahead of any executive appointment.

We operate globally, with a partner-led approach for personalised service and control over your search. Operating from a central office, we offer global capabilities without internal barriers, ensuring we find the best talent, no matter the location.

As a cross-sector firm, our dedicated teams focus on specific industry sectors, ensuring an in-depth understanding that adds material value through a search.

We are adept at understanding and representing the unique characteristics of your business, especially regarding culture and family dynamics. Our expertise ensures we find individuals who are not only suited to succeed in their roles but also who align with your business cultures.

Driven by a dedication to partnering with family businesses, we act as an extension of your team, advocating for your business with the same passion you bring to your own operations. Our searches are conducted by highly experienced professionals, whose knowledge and expertise not only helps to showcase your unique strengths but also ensures you are best placed to identify, engage and recruit the best possible talent.

As a predominantly employee-owned organisation, every single mandate matters to us. We allocate substantial resource and assemble a highly experienced team for each search, regardless of the size or volume of work.

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Learn more about our commitment and expertise in supporting family businesses through our case studies and thought leadership.

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